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Hi folks — be sure to check out my music page to see what’s new regarding music/creative pursuits –  Blake Redding Music

Feature on Huffington Post’s “The Perennial Plate”

Got  home from a backpacking trip in the sierras to find that my music made it onto the Huffington Post featured food series, The Perennial Plate.  Daniel Klein, the creator and “host”, is an old college buddy of mine who is now traveling around the country exploring sources of “adventurous and sustainable” food.  Daniel’s activism and freewheelin’ ways have been inspirational to me for years.  Check out, great stuff.

Oh, and I was particularly pleased to be included in the wild edible plants episode. As many know, I love me some foraging!


“Blake Redding Radio” is now available on Pandora!  Let me know if you see my songs coming up on other stations, and give me the thumbs up if you like it :)

Altsounds Review

Check out this review at

“Although still up and coming, Blake Redding has reached for the main goal – his sound is unique and his style is as personal and heartfelt as any you will ever hear.”

very kind :)

coming to pandora…

My album submission got accepted for Pandora. In approximately 3 months, people will be able to listen to it on the fancy internet radio! In the meantime, you can listen to it whenever you want anyway :) but this was exciting news for me. It’s not real yet, and i’ll only really believe it when I see it, but I think this is legit.

Blake Redding Music page on Facebook and “sharing”

Hi folks — I’ve created a musician page on facebook — Blake Redding Music — i would be grateful for your “like” :)

Also, the platform that I use for my music is called “Bandcamp”.  They’ve put in a very nice sharing feature that embeds a player right into your blog post, tweet,  facebook status, etc.  Just click “share” at



santa cruz

Some updates and explanations…

Most of you know I’ve been working in San Jose since the summer.  Though the album has been available for a while I essentially put the project on hold in order to adjust to a new job and location.  Dana and I have been having a great time exploring central California in our spare time, and it’s been comforting to have a steady paycheck.

Most recently I’ve been offered a position at the University of California, Santa Cruz.  I accepted, and I am thrilled to be moving to such beautiful part of the country.   We will transition  in mid-January.

My attention has also returned to this album.  I just sent out a press release to a number of industry professionals and publications, and I am taking steps to get the music heard through internet radio and conventional radio.  It’s been a good feeling to not have that pressure to gain exposure for the music in order to put food on the table.  And  listening to the album again after having let it rest for a few months was refreshing.  Starting out on the project I wanted to do it just so that I could say I did it, and to create something I’d be proud of and have for the rest of my life.  And I am proud.

I’m looking forward to the potential for a receptive music scene in Santa Cruz, and will be looking to put some shows together in the coming months.  I’ve also got some new tunes that need recording… I’d like to put an EP together by the summertime.

Stay tuned!

CDs via the old-fashioned post system!

I’m pleased to announce that CDs are now available via the old-fasioned post system.  aka snail-mail.  It would be a great honor and privilege to mail you one.  Let me know if this would be to your liking by clicking here! (and by providing the appropriate information).

going to california…

I’ve accepted a job in California and I’m moving to San Jose.  Leaving Monday.  I’m going to be putting the music project on hold for a few weeks during the move.  It may be a while until I perform again, but the music is still available for download, and CDs are available for purchase on this site!

We’re taking a week to road-trip down there… excited to be traveling the pacific coast again.  I’ll get to see Crater Lake National Park and Redwood National Park for the first time.  yes!

New York

These are from my recent show in Rochester, NY.  It wasn’t the most confident performance I’ve ever put on, but it was nice to have a professional photographer in the audience :) Thanks again to Dan Stein